Everest Arrives - Part III

We hadn't named our little guy yet and we wanted to get it figured out so we could send out an official announcement. At some point I'll explain his name in depth, but the short version is that I had been thinking of using Wright for a middle name for quite a while, and we were both pretty comfortable with Ephraim for the first name. Looking at him though, it just didn't fit quite right. We also thought that there weren't many good options for nicknames. Everest had come up a while back on our list of consideration - we really thought it fit him, and the short form of Ever felt right as well. I suppose the mountains out the window might have lent some inspiration. We had been planning on having Amity come and meet him right before we all went home together, but now that he was here we realized we wanted her to be the first besides Kim and I to meet the new family member. Bob and Patti brought her to the hospital, and she was ecstatically happy when I went to get her,...