We Lost a Baby (again)

I think it's becoming more and more common, at least in the circle of friends I run with, to talk openly about miscarrying babies and the burdens carried by couples trying to conceive. I think that's a great thing because the worst pain in the world is to have your heart broken open over the loss of a child and feel as though you cannot tell a soul because of not wanting to make them feel awkward or uncomfortable. But the truth is... SO many of my friends and women I've known have told me of their own losses or struggles to get pregnant. I think the last statistic I saw was that 1 in 3 pregnancies results in miscarriage before 12 wks. Truly heartbreaking. I've honestly been working on this post for weeks now, hashing through my feelings slowly and in my own time. Grieving is a process and it doesn't often let you take the wheel as it moves through one day to another. I wanted to document this pregnancy so I took pictures early on and have no where to save them...