
Showing posts from July, 2019

Gardening with Gratitude

It's not lost on me these days how much privilege I walk in daily. We have a beautiful home, in a safe neighborhood, multiple friends outside of our doors just minutes or a phone call away. We lack for nothing it seems compared to so so many people in our world. What is happening in our country right now leaves me feeling sick to my stomach on a daily basis, and yet, in other parts of the world, thousands upon thousands of children, families, people are dying of starvation, lack of clean water and shelter. It's nearly 2020. How is this still happening? What, if anything can I do from my little corner of the world all the way in Northern Colorado, among my air conditioned home filled with comfortable seating and options for what clothes I will wear each day. Gratitude. It's a decision. Should I feel bad about the things we have? No, I don't think so. However, it would be a great travesty if I walked acting as if I shouldn't continually find myself so gratef...

Friday Ritual

{this moment} a friday ritual. a single photo - no words - capturing a moment from the week. a simple, special, extraordinary moment. a moment i want to pause, savor, and remember.

April 2019

It seems like I'm months behind on these recaps of our lives each month, well - that's because I am I guess! Here's a glimpse into our April this year. It was indeed a special month. Even though life has slowed quite a bit with a newborn, we had lots of fun things to fill our time. Megan Lawson came to visit and ended up sticking around 2 extra nights due to "Snowmageddon" aka a ton of unpredicted snow that dumped on us late April. The time with her was so sweet and the kids loved playing games and having someone give them their undivided attention for a bit while she was here. We adventured to Baby Animal Days at Centennial Village here in Greeley and captured some lovely moments of "the bigs" in all the gorgeous foliage and ground they have there. Aaron and I often talk about the gardening goals we have after visiting it each year because it is so well done and so stunning. The Rushos ventured our direction for Easter celebrations after we att...