Ya Ya Farm and Orchard

We had an amazing start to fall this year when we ventured out to Ya Ya Farm and Orchard in Longmont.

It was crisp outside and full of clouds which made all of the colors pop with extra pizzaz.

The Farm has turkeys, chickens, horses, and donkeys. The kids love seeing them, reaching through the fence longing to make another animal friend. Amity especially is such an animal lover. She would adopt all the animals everywhere if she could.

For a couple years now we've made it a habit to venture to this sweet little orchard in Longmont, Colorado for some homemade apple cider, apple cider donuts, a hay ride, and fun seeing all the animals. This year it really felt like the first day of fall and the crisp air and time together was memorable and so fun in the midst of my busy photography season! Here's a peek at some of our adventuring.


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