February 2019

February was lots of fun! Amity had a speaking part in her first grade choir concert celebration of love - the day before Valentine's Day. She rocked it! Verity Fae was born on February 22nd and we were thrilled to welcome her a bit early as she came at 38 weeks and 3 days. I turned 35 just a couple days after we had her and I joked but was mostly serious about wanting to have a baby for my birthday. I got my wish though. Seeing Amity and Everest step into the roll of big brother and sister has been such a joy. Everest also has decided to try his hand at some fancy dancing moves and has a blast doing it. His favorite sound track to rock out to currently is anything from The Greatest Showman. Hopefully we can capture his stellar singing abilities too in a future video!

February 2019 from Kim Adamson on Vimeo.


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