Verity Fae is 1 Month Old!

Little Verity Fae turned one month old on Friday, March 22nd. It's so hard to believe she has already been in our world for over a month now! 

Her stats from her appointment showed she gained almost a pound since her two week checkup, weighing in at 8 lbs, 10 oz and measuring a big 21.5 inches! She is a great eater and generally has the sweetest and happiest demeanor. 

It is notable that this has been a big change for Amity and Everest and both have swung between feeling so enamored with their roles as her big sister and brother, and also overwhelmed by the new dynamic of our family. We've had lots of talks about why things are different now and with Aaron's paternity leave over with, it's led to lots of feelings of mom and dad tending to Verity's needs more often than not. As the months progress, I'm hopeful that the kiddos will see that her biggest time of needing us was when she was super little and as she interacts more, I know that will help them bond with her too.


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