Some Firsts for Fall 2019

My Sweet Babes
I find more and more that time is slipping by. I don't necessary feel like I'm not spending it wisely or that I wish I was doing exceptionally more with our days or anything. But the gravity of time and this season existing now means it's going to be over before I know it. Le sigh. That's a big pill to swallow some days. I want this phase, the kiddos being this age, to stay like this for so much longer than I know it will.

2019 has already been one for the books. Amity is in 2nd grade over at University Schools and has Mrs. Gilliland this year. She is blossoming and loving learning which makes Aaron and I so proud. She's an avid reader and you'll often find her nose in one of her favorites series after school and on weekends (Phoebe and the Unicorn (which she owns all but the 10th book currently), or Kitty Corner Novels she loves checking out from school). She is in the Intermediate class in gymnastics and her splits are something Aaron and I never cease to be impressed by. She is strong and brave and such a good friend. What wonderful things are in store for her this year.

On her first day of school chart she still states that she'd love to become a construction worker when she grows up and her favorite color is pink. She has lost her two bottom middle teeth and has 4 wiggly ones on their way out! We will likely have a very holey mouthed girl soon!

Her smile is so contagious and beautiful.

Aaron and I love that she is such a fun person to joke around with now and she is starting to get jokes and sarcasm. 7 is fun my friends. 

In addition to Amity starting 2nd grade, Everest is headed back to preschool this year again but into the 4/5 MWF class with Mrs. Wells at Our Savior's. He is so excited to see his friends, play playdough, have time on the playground, and he's hoping to learn how to read. He started the Wednesday after Labor Day and was so jazzed to get ready and take pics with his updated sign too!

Naturally, he still is hoping to grow up and become Batman, and his new favorite book is the "Dangerous Book for Boys" though you'll find him reading any of the early reader super friends series at every rest time. 

I get on his case more than I should these days about the amount of books literally PILED on his bed after rest time or bedtime and how in order to keep books nice we have to put them back where they go. It's not an uncommon thing for us to put anywhere from 5-25 books away back on his shelf twice a day. However, I love that he loves to read and he loves to pretend he's reading and trying to discover what's happening in the story by looking at the pictures. I should probably let up on that right?! ;) 

Life feels a little different with just some time with Verity Fae in the mornings even though our new routine is just starting to get into the swing of things. She ADORES her big brother and sister and they make her days so much brighter. I think the funniest thing that happens nearly ALL THE TIME lately is how the kids goofiness can get her laughing - and I mean belly laughing which ALWAYS results in poor Veri getting the hiccups. But she seems unfazed and oh so pleased and happy.


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