Verity Fae is 11 months old today!

Happy 11 months old to this little #verityfae! Two teeth on the bottom and gums galore everywhere else! Your hair is long enough for a spikey pony or hair bow clips but you pull all the things off your head now so getting things to stay is quite comical! You have said soooo many words now but you’re not a fan of showing them off for the camera and will often say “no” by shaking your head if we ask you to say (Momma, Dadda, Ever, hey, yes, hi, all done, Puppy, or hat - any of the words I can recall she has said now). You are sweet and a bit of spice. You crawl like a pro and have started to stand unassisted after motoring around furniture. Going up the stairs is old hat now but we haven’t tried going down. You lift your arms to be held and sometimes even say “up!” You can reliably sign “all done, milk, and “love you” with Blowing a kiss. It makes my heart burst. You’re a big fan of rocking in the little rocking chairs, and also your ducky ducky stuffy Amity got you for Christmas. You squeeze it and kiss it and snuggle it so adorably we all melt. We love you to pieces Beanie Fae and can’t wait to celebrate your first birthday in only a month from today!


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