Diapers and Photos
Yesterday was quite a day. I think we changed more diapers, faster, than any other time. At one particular point we slammed through 4 of them in rapid-fire succession.
Also, we went ahead and did one of our first "official" photo shoots. I'm sure that Kim will be getting those photos edited and posted soon enough, but I thought for fun I'd take a picture of our modified frontroom arranged for baby-imaging.
It went something like this:
- Put baby on changing table because of dirty diaper
- Place clean diaper under baby
- Remove dirty diaper
- Watch baby poop on wisely placed clean diaper
- Discard previously clean diaper - Put new clean diaper on baby
- Hear baby soil clean diaper
- Change diaper a final time
- Wait 45 minutes and go to step one
Amity was pretty good-natured about the whole thing - she just hangs out on the table and waits for us to get our act together. Also, this made me thankful that we're going with cloth diapers. The whole thing would've been a lot more frustrating if it meant we just burned through $5 worth of diapers. Instead it just meant that we needed to do a load of laundry slightly sooner.
Thankfully, we had a little time to squeeze in for naps and quiet. Which is good, considering I head back to student teaching early tomorrow. It will be hard, but I'm so glad that Kim will still be home with Am for the next 4 weeks.
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