Mind Control and Moving Arms

Today, Amity discovered her arms. I had just changed her and she was hanging out on the changing table while I went downstairs to take care of her diaper and all that business. When I walked by her room a few moments later, I noticed that she was in this curious pose, with her hands stuck straight out in front of her, and she was just holding them there. It was bizarre, because she usually hangs out and flails her limbs indiscriminately and makes little squeaking noises, but she was totally quiet and just holding them there.

When I walked in the room, I saw that she was staring at her hands intensely. The look on her face was pretty similar to the one a superhero makes when trying to move something using only super mind powers. Which is fair, I guess, because when you are only 3 months old, the concept that you can control anything with your mind, even your own body, is pretty novel.

It was fun, if only because this is one of the first times that I've seen my daughter really thinking hard and concentrating, and it was awesome to see that look on her little face and know exactly what she was thinking about. What a feeling it must be to finally put the pieces together and realize that you can exert influence on the reality that you have only been a passive observer in.

Thanks to some quick video skills on Kim's part, we caught the last part of it. I'll link it below.


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