Baking Wednesdays...

I've contemplated starting a new tradition with Amity: Baking Wednesdays. The idea being that Amity, who is in love with food and doing fun and messy things, and I can share some good time together doing something I love and sometimes share that time with friends baking things at our house or theirs.

Our first attempt at this tradition was this afternoon as we made homemade zucchini bread! It smells scrumptious and as you can see from the pictures left Amity's mouth watering all over the place!

While it was baking, Amity was quite entertained by Tweaz who kept wandering around the kitchen meowing at the top of his lungs... of course...

She was so hungry in fact, that she tried to see just how much of her rattle would fit into her mouth! It was quite hilarious!

And then... the zucchini bread was done!

{ Baking Wednesday Day 1: Success! }


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