Amity's Dedication

These are the vows we wrote for Amity's dedication today. It was beautiful, and we were so thankful to be a part of it, and so thankful that we have such a wonderful church community to belong to.

We decided to be part of this dedication for a few reasons. We want our daughter Amity to be a connected to this vibrant community that has done so much for us, and we want to have the chance to speak over her the hopes, wishes, and prayers we have for her now, as we look forward to see all the possibilities of life before her. 
Our prayers for you, daughter:
  • That the full mystery and richness of Christ will be known to you
  • That you will love deeply, and that you will always be surrounded by love
  • That your faith will be vibrant, beautiful, full, and alive
  • That you will forever hold on to the joy that you have already, and use it to bring peace and hope to those that need it most
  • That you will see beauty everywhere, and be inspired by it
  • That you seek truth, even when it seems uncertain or difficult
  • That where there are tragedies, you know redemption, and where there is sorrow, you find peace
  • That you will know who you truly ought to be, and that you will experience the joy of becoming that person
  • That you always find a place that you truly belong, as you do now, here

You have been Named, and we especially want those names that we have chosen for you to always bless and guide you. 
Amity: Meaning friendship, or unity, we want you to bring understanding to places of strife, and bring love and goodwill to places of contention and fear.
Mira: Meaning wonder, astonishment, and curiosity, we hope that you will love to know, and that you will also love the adventure of not yet knowing.
We commit to always pray these things for you, and provide them for you however we can. We commit to try to give you opportunities to become the kind of person you should be,  and to help you experience the best kind of life. Even though we will certainly stumble, we both love you more than life itself, and we will always strive to live the kind of lives that you deserve to have as your example.


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