Sweet Moments with Amity

I love that Aaron plays the guitar and Amity loves to watch him in amazement. She even tried to strum some tunes herself this week as we sat her in front of the guitar while Aar was playing.

Aaron has been gone a lot recently which has been hard on all of us. He's doing great things for his school and robotics club, but having him gone is hard: No way around that. This however, is one of my favorite memories the two of them share. The video quality is poor as it was taken on my iPhone, but the sentiment of "Tickle Bug"is loud and clear. :)


Our dear friend T.J. recently opened up the best coffee shop in town. Best? Yes! Looking for great coffee? You have to stop in! It's called John Galt Coffee, Co. and it's housed in the Atlas Theater right off 16th St. and 7th Ave. Amity and I stop in for an outing every now and then and yesterday morning, Aaron had work off, so we all went to grab a cup o' Joe and mingle with some friends!

Here's Ami with sweet Lucy and Branson:

Sweet girl has a beautiful laugh that makes a room light up.

See what I mean? Love her so much!


She has also become quite the talker lately. Our ride home lent itself to more videos, just because...


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