Pets & Popsicles with Rach and Emlynn

Rachel is a dear friend of mine. Her husband, Andrew, was Aaron's best man, and in many ways still is. They have a bond that is really beautiful and I hope that their friendship continues to grow just like their beards do! :)

Rachel and I have become close over the past few years, getting to know each other better and better each time we set aside time together. At first, we would get to chat while we all went camping or through dinner dates. Since Rach and I are both stay-at-home moms now, we get together as regularly as possible to let our daughters grow up with each other and give ourselves the chance to talk, listen, and strengthen our friendship. I am continually thankful for her and the love she shares with our family and my little girl. I can't imagine life without the three of them on a continual basis.

On this bright August day, Rachel and Emlynn came to Greeley, we met up with my mom who happened to be in town that day, for lunch, and then headed across the street for the Pets and Popsicles day at the Plumb Farm. It was beautiful out and so much fun to spend some time together!


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