Verity Fae is 10 months old today!

I realize I haven't been good about documenting sweet Verity's Milestone pics on the blog. I blame crazy mom-life. But here's the latest since I last documented her at 7 months old...

8 Months...She looooves baby food - especially apple, pumpkin, granola and MumMums! She is scooting herself everywhere she wants to be but hasn’t quite mastered crawling just yet. If her sensory box is nearby she has mastered pulling herself up against it and onto her knees! She says “Dadda,” “Lala,” and “Nana,” on repeat and sorts the cutest stinky face with a scrunch nose too! 


A letter to Verity on her 9 month celebration:
You sprouted out two adorable and insanely sharp teeth since last month’s update. Our nursing journey came to an end and the last time it happened is such a sweet and heartwarming memory for me. Thank you baby girl. You looooove making “stinky face,” eating finger foods, crawling around like an army champ, running in your walker into all the available toes, walls, and doing whatever you can to get you to the toilet paper destination where you can unroll it all as quickly as possible before anyone notices you. You laugh HARD. You have a pouty and quivering lip when you are sad. You are such a joy. Happy 9 months lovely. We all adore you. 

And now, here we are my sweet beanie. You are 10 months old today and life is the sweetest with you and your big brother and sister. You love our new pup Millie. You love petting and pulling on Milo the kitty. You do not like to perform and often won't say words when prompted, but will successfully show the cutest stinky face - that sometimes now even includes a snort. You are pulling up on all of the furniture and can walk around the side of the couch. Your new word of the month is "Bubba" for your bottle of milk and you have enjoyed yell-singing to the new Frozen 2 soundtrack with the bigs. Crawling has moved from an army stance to full up on your knees but you really want to learn to walk and we know it's coming down the pipeline soon. You take off most hats we put on your head, you get fussy and grouchy if you want something to start or stop. What a fun little peanut you are. This Christmas is going to be so special because you're here.


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