Messy Days

Amity is 100%, an all-out, eating machine! She will try anything... fruit, veggies, dirt, you name it!

Today we had a random mix of leftovers and delicious greek food and this was the result...

I guess in a weird sort of way, I take some pride in letting Amity experience food. I don't really want her to develop a habit of playing with it, sure, but I DO want her to feel the freedom to eat it with her own hands and get a little messy. There's always time to clean up later and bath is one of her favorite things anyway, so we'll just make that a part of our day.

She wasn't so sure about the hummus at first... but just wait... :)

Spreading out some grape tomatoes with her hummusy hands.

Soooo GOOD!

How do I look Mom?

What? There's no more raspberries?

This is my greedy, sneaky, creepy face!

That was delicious... now clean me up Momma! :)


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