Favorite Moments

These last two weeks of Everest's time home with us have flown by. I'm reminded constantly of how quickly time can pass and how fast little people grow up. It seems like just a few short months have passed since Ami was smearing oatmeal all over her face as she learned to eat, or holding our hands as she tried out walking for the first time. Now our big girl is memorizing books, saying adorable phrases to passing trick or treaters like "Happy Halloween, ok? Be careful you don't fall on the steps... Happy birthday!" She cracks us up on a daily basis with the silly walks she has and her sense of humor.

 The other night we had Dad Adamson over with Bethany and Chris. Amity sat in her high chair as we ate and multiple conversations were happening around the table. She announced, multiple times, raising her voice "Stop everybody. Stop!" Once it was quiet and everyone had all of their attention on her, she proceeded to announce, very authoritatively, "Deep fish." That was all. It was incredibly important for her to have a chance to communicate that and also to be the center of attention which was so funny.

Some friends of mine asked to see a comparison of Ami around this age. They don't always look extremely similar but in these two shots, they surely have the "sibling" thing goin' on.

I'm excited for all of the family time that comes with November and the chance for him to meet/see everyone we love so dearly.


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