Coloring Makes Me Happy

Coloring is a past time I do often but always wish I did more. This girl has a heart for making things beautiful too and when Grandma brought these pretty coloring pages made out of vellum sheets, she let Amity keep a stack so she could continue the creating long after Easter weekend ended.

Having them scatter the glass of our back doors has made all of us so happy. Just seeing a splash of color feels inviting, fun, pretty, and reminds the kids of their contribution and that their art is valued.

Everest is in the stage of holding his pencil/pen/marker in his fist and he easily gets frustrated when trying to stay in the lines or color in a designated area. But - he's getting there. His little focus, tongue out of course, is so evident already at 3 years old and it will only be a matter of time until he has the correct technique nailed down. I'm in no rush to get him there ahead of schedule.

Jennie said that she found this set second hand so I'm not sure where you could purchase these at a local store but I did find a link for the set on Amazon here should you desire to order your own set!


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