Oh hey there! We've got some updating to do!

Time to freshen up the blog and update you a bit on the life of the Adamsons since I'm hoping to do a bit more sharing of our life and family + random thoughts over here again. I've missed it and have made a personal challenge to myself to think more creatively this year (specifically starting this month).

Here's the low down on life for the Adamsons thus far...

Aaron got a new job last summer in Boulder and now commutes thru a vanpool to and from Greeley each day. He's loving the new work he's doing and the ways it's challenging him - but clearly not enough because he also started grad school this past January. Thankfully, it's not too much more of a time commitment so far as he can do much of his school work to and from his day job on the van. Getting his Masters was something that fell into our laps at just the right time and his new employer provides the funds for it entirely too which is an added bonus!

Amity is now in Kindergarten and is thriving in school! She just recently has started to piece together all the necessary elements of reading on her own and it's been a delight to see her blossom in that and still hold such a zest for learning and growing academically. She's made lots of new and beautiful friendships this year being in kinder as well and it's fun to see her flourish in a new element for all of us. For her 6th birthday last month we had an epic Princesses and Knights fiesta - complete with a shimmery diamond shaped pinata and all sorts of dressed up friends. She has gravitated lately to music more than ever and finds herself playing her Ukulele or on our new family piano (an anniversary gift Aaron and I got for each other this past January) multiple times a day. Music is certainly her muse at this stage in life.

Everest is a spunky 3 year old and has truly blossomed to have the most hilarious personality. He can make you laugh so hard it hurts. Truly. I wonder if comedy is in his future?! He also loves our weekly trips to the library for story time (just him and I) and we most definitely have to look for level readers about any of the superheroes each time (but mostly Batman). If Everest could live in a Batman or Robin costume 99% of the the time these days, he certainly would. He is explorative, has astounding vocabulary and such a memory for random and interesting facts, and gives the sweetest snuggles.

I've been working lots vamping up for another strong spring, summer, and fall of photography, as well as continuing my little side hustle selling Younique. I love both and the flexibility they allow me to stay home with the babes but also provide us some meaningful and helpful income to purchase some extras or pay off student loan debt we are still picking away at.

We added some new feathery friends to our family this spring too and are excited for our adventures with them! Meet: Ms. Dottie, Ms. Glenda, Ms. Lacie, and Ms. Pinkerton!

We pinch ourselves at our life right now. It's just so great and all of us are so happy. Hope this note finds you and yours well and that you follow along as I hope to continue to work more of my thoughts and share our life a lot more on here.


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