Amity's Big Debut in Album Art!

We have fantastic friends.

Tim Coons, a local, amazing, and inspirational song-writer and artist hosted a project recently for his latest album. In essence, he asked a bunch of his artsy friends to take pictures that would go along with a song he posted from the album, each week in July, that he might be able to use for album art after the album is released. It was a huge hit. I watched as literally dozens of images flooding my instagram feed all hashtagged with Potomacproject, the name of his new album.

Here's a great article written on Tim and his sweet wifey that was in the Tribune just a week or so ago now.

The really exciting thing, which as soon I found out, brought me to tears, is that one of my images, and further, an image I took of Amity made it into the top 8 of his favorites and will be featured in the first 100 special cased albums.

Here's the sweet picture of her you will be happy to find:

Because I love Tim Coons' music, and obviously want everyone I know to have a copy of an album that has my daughter featured in it, I am hoping, encouraging, and asking you all to consider purchasing one of Tim's fancy smancy CDs. You can purchase the CD for $25 at this website and have it delivered straight to you or you can download the version without the album art for $8 as a digital download:


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