Friends... No Matter the Distance

Moving for us happened more suddenly than we were able to truly process. It seemed like Aaron went from interviewing, getting the job, starting the job right away, and then BANG - we found a house and now were needing to get into that house as soon as possible to save money on rent. The job, the house, the new life was about 1.5-2 hours away from our home in Greeley.

For me, time to reflect, be sad, and realize the gravity of what was happening, didn't truly come until after we had been in our new home for over a week. Being busy kept my mind occupied, and my heart guarded because I had too many things to do, on my own, while Aaron stayed at my folks and Amity and I readied the house for the big transition.

Friends during this time have struggled with me, delighted with me, prayed with me and been in constant communication with me (even when I wasn't quick to write back at times), knowing all of this was going to hit me like bricks once I let my guard down and let it.

These last couple weeks have been hard. We tried a new church this last Sunday and though I didn't have any major complaints or felt that it wasn't the place for us to worship, it just wasn't family... and it made me long for my family from Atlas, from Greeley, from home.

Tammi, a friend I've written about before, bought me a book, shipped it to my house, and asked me to read it with her. It's been moving and I've only read chapter one. I'm looking forward to that time of quietness in my routine that will allow me a moment to think about the things going on inside of my heart, to be still and let how I feel take shape, even if it's difficult to confront.

I'm excited that in the midst of all this change, I still have friends. Be them near, or far, they're only a text, phone call, google video chat away. They are a part and will always be a part of my story.


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