July and it's Many Festivities

Hello blog. It's definitely been awhile. Almost all the boxes are unpacked in the living areas of our new home now and we are getting in the groove of finding things to do with family and potential new friends here and there.

This past week/weekend we celebrated Independence Day with a lot of family. Aaron's new job, at Seakr Engineering, had a 30th anniversary and celebrated on the 3rd with a family bbq that they offered to all their employees. There were lots of fun little events scheduled throughout the evening, and a finale of fire works after dark. Sadly, Amity only lasted about 2 hours, because her little teeth are really trying to make an appearance.

She's gotten into a steady routine at our new home thought, which is encouraging. She sleeps beautifully through the night averaging 12-14 hours. Her naps during the day are somewhat unpredictable as she consistently says things like, "teeth... ouchie... ouchie." Poor peanut. :(

It's been a nice thing that she's able to communicate what's bothering her, and how we can help. Her language and vocabulary skills seemingly increase with clarity and understanding every day, if not even sooner. She's quite the learner and it's awesome to see her putting things together.

We're recently run into things that sound similar but are confusing to her because they are different. Some of my favorite are:


Here's some of the pictures from her ever growing personality. We simply adore her, even when teething robs her of her smiles and sweet snuggling.


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