Weekend with the Bonds

Andrew and Rachel have been our friends since forever it feels like. We've had periods of being extremely close and hangout out often, to being really busy and going months without seeing each other or talking. The best part about our friendship is that those things haven't ever had a negative effect on us or our friendship. In recent conversation with Aaron, we realized that we feel closer to them after having Amity than ever before.

It's a great place to be.

We feel understood.

Recently Rachel and I have been talking through some rough and tough stuff. Mommy-hood stuff mostly. Through leaning on each other, finding shalom and understanding with where each of us is coming from, including video chats, phone calls with screaming children in the background, and text messages, it has opened something beautiful that God has been doing in both of our hearts. 

It's been fun to watch Amity and Emlynn grow up together. They copy each other, argue about sharing, imitate, share, drink one another's sippy cups, and then start back at the beginning until the immanent meltdowns begin. They hug their momma's, go night night, or just have some alone time, and once again all is well with the world and they are best of friends.

We are becoming parents along side each other... talking through things we are uncertain of... discussing what it will be like to eventually add another baby into the mix... and what to do about teeth.

The first night we stayed with them, the girls took a bath together. It was so fun watching them both do something they love, usually alone, and share the experience.

The following night we had planned a fun picnic and pool party for the kids. The clouds were looking slightly ominous but we thought we'd chance it since they only had an hour that they would last at the most anyhow. Well, sadly, it starting pouring, right as we approached the water park. We all made a quick decision to high tail it back home and have a pool party in the bathtub instead! (kids only of course)

We set our picnic blankets in the living room and shared our picnic dinner with everyone after the pool

Don't we have great friends? Telling a 2 year old (Em) that we weren't going to the pool was going to be devastating since we had been planning on it all day and telling her about it... By the way - 2 year olds remember everything... 


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